After launching the ZenFone 3 and ZenFone 3 Max, ASUS is now launching the ZenFone 3 Deluxe and ZenFone 3 Ultra in India. The ZenFone 3 Deluxe is the company's flagship smartphone. The phone will be available in two configurations, with the Snapdragon 820 variant having 64GB storage and the Snapdragon 821 model having 256GB storage. Both models will have 6GB of RAM. Other common features include a 5.7-inch 1080p Super AMOLED display, 23 megapixel Sony IMX318 rear camera with f2.0 6-element lens and 4-axis OIS (only for stills), 8 megapixel front camera with f2.0 lens, fingerprint...
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