It has been over a month since Samsung issued the final recall for the Galaxy Note 7 and even though most customers have since returned their units, there are still those who are holding on to one. Samsung has been trying to get everyone to return their Galaxy Note 7, it has tried coaxing them with incentives and tried twisting their arm with a software update that limits battery charge to 60 percent. The company is working with carriers to cut off network access to the Galaxy Note 7 as a last resort. It has already done that in New Zealand and it’s now doing this in Australia.
In a statement released on its local website today, Samsung Australia says that it’s working with local mobile carriers to discontinue network services for the Galaxy Note 7 units that are still being used in the country. It confirms that the network discontinuation will commence from December 15, reiterating that this step is part of its ongoing safety measures to recover all Galaxy Note 7 units. Samsung adds that Galaxy Note 7 customers in Australia have “responded well” to the recall and that only a “small number” of devices remain in use.
Galaxy Note 7 users will be informed of this step with on-going communication and updates about the discontinuation over the next three weeks so that they have adequate notice. The company reiterates its call that Galaxy Note 7 users should power down their devices immediately and return it to the place of purchase for an exchange or a full refund.
Once network access is cut, the Galaxy Note 7 is essentially going to be a very expensive paperweight since it won’t support any mobile network in the country. Granted, Wi-Fi can be used to communicate via a plethora of VoIP apps but that just won’t cut it for most people. Samsung is yet to confirm if it’s going to take this step in some other markets across the globe but you certainly can’t rule it out at this stage.
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