A new Huawei device has been spotted on Geekbench. Listed as Huawei WAS-LX1A, the handset is powered by Kirin 655 chipset with octa-core 1.71GHz processor, and has 4GB RAM. In addition, the benchmark listing also reveals that the device runs Android 7.0 Marshmallow out of the box. While there's no confirmation, it is being said that the phone in question is the P10 Lite. Huawei WAS-LX1 (possibly Huawei P10 Lite?) on Geekbench: https://t.co/HkO17FoEd9 running Kirin 655, 4GB RAM and Android 7.0. Roland Quandt (@rquandt) January 31, 2017 There's currently no information on the...
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