Samsung announced the Galaxy S8 DeX accessory yesterday alongside the new flagship smartphone. The dock can be used to get a PC-like experience from the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8+ on an external monitor. It even allows users to hook up a conventional keyboard and mouse for added practicality. Samsung has now confirmed what the Galaxy S8 DeX dock price is going to be and when it’s going to arrive.
The company has revealed on its website that the Galaxy S8 DeX dock price in the United States is going to be $149.99 and that it’s going to start shipping in “late April.” It’s likely going to start shipping once the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8+ are released on April 21.
In case you’re curious about how the DeX dock work and what sort of functionality it provides, do check out our hands-on review of the Galaxy S8 DeX accessory. It’s going to give you a firm understanding of all of its capabilities.
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