The launch of Bixby Voice, the best aspect of Samsung’s AI-powered digital voice assistant, was delayed in the US. It was supposed to be launched along with the Galaxy S8 and S8+. Samsung had announced that Bixby Voice would be made available in the US later this spring. However, the company will reportedly miss its own deadline.
According to a new report from The Wall Street Journal, Bixby’s voice module won’t be ready by the end of June and that the software is struggling to reliably understand English, let alone entertaining you with some rap skills like it does in Korean. The publication is reporting that Samsung will only be able to launch Bixby Voice in summer, which is starts on June 21st.
There are multiple aspects of Bixby – Bixby Now, Bixby Vision, and Bixby Voice – but the Bixby Voice is the most promising one. It can be used to perform any action on the phone without ever touching the display. The company released five videos of Bixby performing complicated voice commands. Bixby Voice was launched in Korea last month.
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