Qualcomm officially announced the Snapdragon 845 three weeks ago. Its latest flagship mobile processor is based on the same 10nm process as its predecessor. The Snapdragon 845 will likely power the North American, South American and Chinese variants of the Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9+.
The handsets will be powered by Samsung’s latest Exynos processor in other markets. Samsung is going to officially unveil its latest high-end Exynos processor on January 4. According to previous reports, it’s going to be called the Exynos 9810.
Galaxy S9’s Exynos processor
Samsung is teasing its next Exynos processor through the official Samsung Exynos Twitter account. The tweet mentions that this processor “goes beyond a component.”
It’s possible that this is a subtle hint to the advanced artificial intelligence capabilities of the new chip. Some reports have even suggested that it may have dedicated cores for artificial intelligence tasks but nothing is known for sure right now.
Samsung is going to announce its new flagship Exynos processor on January 4, 2018. The Galaxy S9 is going to be the first device to tout it. Samsung is expected to unveil the Galaxy S9 at the Mobile World Congress 2018 in February. The handset will likely be released at some point in the following month.
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