Samsung introduced AR Emoji with the Galaxy S9 earlier this year. The feature enables users to create a digital likeness of their face that’s capable of mapping their voice and facial movements. Once the likeness is created, AR Emoji also makes a set of animated stickers that can be used in third-party messaging apps like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.
AR Emoji was capable of making a set of 18 animated stickers from the user’s likeness at launch and Samsung has now announced that it’s expanding this ability by adding 18 new animated expressive stickers to AR Emoji.
New AR Emoji stickers
The AR Emoji feature not only allows users to map their face to their digital likeness, it also offers popular characters from the Disney universe for users to map their faces to. Mickey and Minnie Mouse were initially available and Samsung later added Donald Duck as well. Samsung added the cast of The Incredibles to its library of AR Emoji avatars just a few days ago.
Samsung has doubled the number of animated stickers that are generated automatically whenever an AR Emoji is created. To access the new set of stickers, just update the camera app on your Galaxy S9 or Galaxy S9+ from the My apps section of the Galaxy Apps store.
AR Emoji’s library of pre-set expressions is now up to 36 from 18 and Samsung says that it’s going add 18 more expressions in the coming months which will bring the total number of these animated stickers to 54.
These new AR Emoji stickers will be readily available once you download and install the update. They can then be shared directly from the keyboard and can also be copied and pasted from the Gallery app to messaging apps. The GIF posted below shows some of these 18 new AR Emoji stickers in action.
The post Samsung adds 18 new AR Emoji stickers appeared first on SamMobile.
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