Samsung has added several new features to the Galaxy S10’s camera over the last few months. Features such as Night mode and QR scanner were pushed out along with the monthly security patches starting in April. And although we’re at the end of July, many Galaxy S10 users in the US are yet to taste these new features.
Customers of AT&T and Verizon were treated with the improvements along with the June security patch earlier this month. And finally, it has arrived for Sprint customers as well. T-Mobile’s June update, meanwhile, came sans the Night mode and QR scanner features.
Sprint Galaxy S10 gets Night mode
Sprint is rolling out a new software update for the Galaxy S10 series. The update introduces the June 2019 security patch and also includes the new Night mode and the QR scanner feature. The update for the Galaxy S10+ weighs in at 510MB and carries the firmware version G975USQU2ASG8. The Galaxy S10 and S10e are also getting a similar-sized update. Interestingly, the non-US Galaxy S10 units are already receiving the July 2019 security patch. The US units are behind schedule on that too.
Galaxy S10 users on Sprint should get a notification to download the latest update over the air. You can also manually trigger the download from the Settings » Software update menu on your phone. If there’s no update available, it’s best to wait a day or two until it arrives. But if you can’t wait any longer, you can download the compatible firmware for the update from our database (Galaxy S10e | S10 | S10+) and flash it on your phone.
The post Sprint Galaxy S10 finally gets camera Night mode with new update appeared first on SamMobile.
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