Samsung had launched the 128GB storage variant of the Galaxy S10 Lite in India last month. Now, the company has launched the 512GB storage variant of the smartphone. The amount of RAM in this variant remains similar to that in the 128GB variant, at 8GB. The phone will be available in three colors: Prism Black, Prism Blue, and Prism White.
The 512GB variant of the Galaxy S10 Lite is priced at Rs 44,999, which is Rs 5,000 higher than the price of the 128GB storage variant. The new variant will go on sale in the country starting March 1 through Samsung e-shop, Samsung Opera House, online stores, and all major offline retailers. The South Korean smartphone giant is offering an additional upgrade bonus of Rs 5,000 in exchange for old smartphones.
The Galaxy S10 Lite was launched alongside the Galaxy Note 10 Lite last month. The Galaxy S10 Lite features a 6.7-inch Full HD+ Super AMOLED screen with HDR10+, a 4500mAh battery, and 45W fast charging. It runs Android 10 with One UI 2.0 and is equipped with the Snapdragon 855+ processor, 8GB RAM, 128GB/512GB internal storage, and a microSD card slot.
The smartphone features a triple-camera setup on the rear, consisting of a 48MP primary sensor with OIS, a 12MP ultrawide-angle camera, and a 5MP macro camera. At the front, there’s a 32MP selfie camera hidden inside the screen’s punch hole. Other features include an under-display optical fingerprint reader, dual-SIM card slot, Wi-Fi ac, Bluetooth 5.0, GPS, NFC, and a USB Type-C port.
You can read our in-depth review of the Galaxy S10 Lite here.
The post Galaxy S10 Lite’s 512GB storage variant lands in India appeared first on SamMobile.
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