Samsung has finally made the Intel-powered Galaxy Book S variant official. Following an accidental confirmation last week, the company is now ready to introduce to the world the Galaxy Book S with ‘Intel Inside.’ On the most part, it has the same hardware as the original variant powered by a Snapdragon 8cx chipset, except it uses an Intel Core processor with Intel Hybrid Technology.
Samsung’s recent official announcement doesn’t say much else about the Intel CPU inside the new Galaxy Book S variant. However, the product is already listed on Samsung Canada. It has yet to make an appearance in the USA or European countries, but the Where to Buy page on the Canadian portal reveals an Intel Core i5-L16G7 processor with 4MB cache, a frequency of up to 3.0GHz, and integrated Intel UHD graphics.
The Galaxy Book S is the first Intel Lakefield-based notebook
The Galaxy Book S is now the first official notebook to use an Intel CPU from the Lakefield generation. The CPU is paired with 8GB of LPDDR4x RAM and 256GB or 512GB of eUFS storage. It also has a microSD card slot that can read up to 1TB of storage.
Samsung’s Intel-powered lightweight notebook has a 13.3-inch FHD TFT LCD with touch capabilities, a 1MP camera, 2 USB-C ports, a 3.5mm headphone jack, a fingerprint sensor, quad stereo speakers by AKG with Dolby Atmos support, Wi-Fi 6 802.11 ax 2×2, LTE, Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity, and a 42Wh battery to keep everything running. The notebook ships with Windows 10 and every component adds up to a total weight of just 950 grams.
Samsung hasn’t made any announcements as to when exactly the Intel-powered Galaxy Book S will be available for purchase in each market, but the company claims it is available in two shades (Mercury Gray and Earthy Gold), which means that it should start popping up in Samsung’s e-stores worldwide at any moment.
The post Intel-powered Galaxy Book S is the first Lakefield-based notebook appeared first on SamMobile.
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