Every Samsung Exclusive Store in India is now Suraksha-certified to ensure consumer safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. Suraksha (meaning ‘protection’ in Hindi) is a public private initiative that aims to create a safe and secure environment for shoppers, employees, and store owners. Samsung has joined the initiative and certified every Exclusive Store across India with the goal of making employees and customers feel confident about their wellbeing and safety.
To obtain the Suraksha Store certification, every Samsung Exclusive Store manager across India registered for the Suraksha training program. Following the training period, they took an assessment test to obtain the certificates. In practice, this means every Samsung Exclusive Store is sanitized before opening to customers, and every Experience Store consultant has been trained to follow safety and hygiene advisories and use hand sanitizers at all touch points, particularly at store entrances and exists. Swiping machine must be sanitized before being handed to customers. Likewise, customers are encouraged to make purchases using contactless payment solutions and practice social distancing, maintaining a minimum distance of 1.5 meter between themselves.
In parallel with these efforts to ensure safety in the physical retail space, Samsung also adopted new online business models to combat slow sales in the wake of COVID-19. It partnered with Benow to bring more than 20,000 smartphone retailers online, and it recently offered the same opportunities to thousands of other consumer electronics retailers.
The post Samsung Exclusive Stores in India are now certified for safety by Suraksha appeared first on SamMobile.
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