Samsung Electronics has launched the Samsung Pay Card in South Korea earlier today in collaboration with Samsung Card and MasterCard. It’s a physical credit card that’s specifically designed for Samsung Pay users, and it brings along plenty of benefits. Customers can apply for the Samsung Pay Card and manage it only via the Samsung Pay app.
Users can check the card number, discounts, payment amount due, and performance of the card using the Samsung Pay app. They can also block overseas payments using the app. Samsung Pay card offers a 1% discount when purchases are made in offline stores and a 1.5% discount when transactions are done on online websites.
Until December 31, Samsung Pay Card will offer a 0.5% additional discount for Samsung Pay payments. A 2% discount will be offered when purchases are made on online shopping websites. When payments are made at the Samsung Pay coupon shop, users would be eligible to receive a 3% discount. There would be a 2% discount for postpaid transportation payments.
International payments can be done with the Samsung Pay Card. The company has announced that it is offering international payments in stores around the world that have NFC terminals. When international transactions are done via Samsung Pay, the company will offer a 5% discount (limited to KRW 100,000 per month).
Samsung claims that Samsung Pay currently has over 19 million users, and they have done more than KRW 80 trillion worth of transactions as of August 2020. The company had launched the Samsung Pay Card in the UK in partnership with Curve and Samsung Money card in the US in collaboration with SoFi.
The post Samsung Pay Card launched in South Korea appeared first on SamMobile.
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