Samsung added The Terrace to its lifestyle TV lineup earlier this year to complement existing models like The Sero and The Frame. Months after the original announcement, The Terrace is finally available in Germany in three different sizes and for three different prices starting at 3,898 euro.
What sets The Terrace apart from Samsung’s other TVs is that it was built primarily for outdoor use, hence the moniker. It has an IP55 rating for dust and water resistance and it can withstand temperatures between -30 and +50 degrees Celsius.
4K QLED technology and up to 4,000 nits of brightness
Its robust build aside, The Terrace offers a premium viewing experience thanks to its QLED 4K display that has an average brightness of 2,000 nits and peak brightness levels of 4,000 nits. Visibility is key in outdoor conditions so brightness is constantly adapted through Adaptive Picture Technology.
Sound is equally important and The Terrace ships with its own soundbar. It was designed for outdoor acoustics and like the TV itself, the soundbar carries its own IP55 ingress rating. Both the TV and the soundbar can be controlled using the same Wi-Fi/Bluetooth remote.
The Terrace is available in Germany in sizes of 55, 65, and 75 inches. The 55-inch model is being sold for 3,898 euro while the 75-inch variant costs 6,335 euro. The medium-sized 65-inch The Terrace will set you back 4,872 euro. Check the links below if you’re looking for more details.
- Buy The Terrace, 55-inch, from Samsung Germany
- Buy The Terrace, 65-inch, from Samsung Germany
- Buy The Terrace, 75-inch, from Samsung Germany
The post Samsung’s lifestyle TV for outdoors, The Terrace, is available in Europe appeared first on SamMobile.
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