Samsung has launched new wireless earbuds with its flagship Galaxy S series for the past two years. It actually launched two of them in 2020. The Galaxy Buds+ came out with the Galaxy S20 and the Galaxy Buds Live with the Galaxy Note 20.
It’s safe to say that we can expect a new pair of wireless earbuds with the Galaxy S21 as well. A new trademark filing suggests that Samsung might go with a different name for the earbuds this time around.
Buds Beyond might be launched with the Galaxy S21
Our friends over at GalaxyClub have spotted an EU trademark filing from Samsung for “Buds Beyond.” This trademark application was filed with the European Union Intellectual Property Office yesterday and covers the same use cases as earlier Buds devices.
Nothing else is known about the Buds Beyond for now. If one were to speculate, they would simply be an upgraded version of the Galaxy Buds+ with some minor design improvements. It remains to be seen if features like Active Noise Cancellation will be present.
If history is any indication, we might see the Buds Beyond launching alongside the Galaxy S21 series. The company has a habit of offering new earbuds as a pre-order gift so it would make sense to offer a new pair. Of course, the Galaxy Buds Live aren’t outdated so Samsung could still use them if it doesn’t plan on launching new ones.
It’ll be known for sure if new earbuds are on the agenda as more leaks surface in the coming weeks. We have revealed already that the Galaxy S21 series will be launched in early January 2021.
The post Are ‘Buds Beyond’ the new earbuds Samsung will launch with Galaxy S21? appeared first on SamMobile.
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