Nvidia today finally launched the GeForce RTX 3090 Ti, the company's flagship consumer graphics card that was first revealed back in January alongside the RTX 3050. The RTX 3090 Ti has a fully enabled GA102 GPU with 10752 CUDA cores, which is only slightly higher than the 10496 on the RTX 3090. The RT cores have gone up from 82 to 84 and the Tensor cores from 328 to 336. The base/boost clocks have gone from 1.4GHz/1.7GHz to 1.67GHz/1.86GHz. It includes the same 24GB of GDDR6X memory but the speed has been increased from 19.5 Gbps to 21 Gbps. Nvidia claims the RTX 3090 Ti has 40 TFLOPS...
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