Xiaomi's Redmi unveiled the Redmi Note 11SE in May in China, which is powered by the Dimensity 700 SoC, sports a 90Hz LCD, and features a 48MP primary camera. Today, the company announced a new Redmi Note 11SE in India with a different design and specs. All SEt for the new performer on the block. 😎The stunning #RedmiNote11SE arrives on 26th August.🛒https://t.co/cwYEXedZWw | @FlipkartKnow more: https://t.co/3HcDF7jv6v pic.twitter.com/bi2ccpRKHG— Redmi India (@RedmiIndia) August 24, 2022 The new Redmi Note 11SE is powered by the Helio G95 chip, runs Android 11-based MIUI 12.5 out of the...
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