Qualcomm's latest SoC is the Snapdragon 782G (SM7325-AF) just arrived and it's an iterative upgrade to the Snapdragon 778G+. Similar to the SD778G+, the Snapdragon 782G is a 6nm chipset with an 8-core Kryo 670 processor, and an Adreno 642L. The CPU has the same core setup as the 778G+ - 1 Kryo 670 Prime core (Cortex-A78) but runs up to 200MHz faster at 2.7GHz, 3 Kryo 670 Gold (also Cortex-A78) at up to 2.2GHz, and 4 Kryo 670 Silver (Cortex-A55) at up to 1.9GHz. Thanks to the slight bump in clock speed, the CPU is around 5% faster, while the GPU is quoted as 10% faster than the...
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