A new Huawei device appeared on Geekbench with a mysterious Kirin chipset. The Huawei XYAO-W00 is believed to be an upcoming MatePad Pro tablet is listed with the unnamed chipset featuring an eight-core CPU with a 1 performance core clocked @ 2.49 GHz, 3x cores @ 2.15 GHz and 4x efficiency cores @ 1.53 GHz. The Huawei device managed 1,244 single-core and 3,793 multi-core scores which is in line with the performance of the Kirin 9000s found inside the Mate 60 series as well as the Qualcomm Snapdragon 865. The listing also confirmed 12GB RAM. Huawei XYAO-W00 Geekbench scorecard Huawei...
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